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Ordinal Novus

We developed a Bitcoin marketplace for tokenized inscription NFTs called Ordinal Novus. The site allows users to browse collections, search/filter inscriptions and buy or sell assets secured on the blockchain. Built using Next.js, MongoDB, Redux and Docker, our focus was on optimizing the user experience. Dynamic search and filter options enhanced discovery. Users can easily connect their BTC wallet to transact. The decoupled architecture simplifies scaling.


Almighty Collection

For this project, we designed and launched an NFT collection on Solana named Almighty-Mint. The immersive minting frontend exhibited dynamic traits and allowed for whitelist reservations. Behind the scenes, Next.js streamlined development while Metaplex and Candy Machine enabled smart contract integration. Solana provided Fee-less transactions. Customization using sugar.js and umi brought the creative vision to life through animation and sound. This launched their brand as a leading voice in the space.


Shogun Warriors

We delivered a stunning brand website for the Shogun Warrior NFT project, helping establish their Japanese aesthetic and worldbuilding. Clean, responsive pages were built with NextJS to provide a slick user experience that engages the community.


Sol Seeker

SolSeeker is an ecommerce site where users can discover and purchase NFTs using SOL or SPL tokens. We implemented an admin panel to easily add products and used Solana pay for smooth checkout. Customers receive order confirmations via Sendgrid. Built using NextJS, MongoDB, Solana, and Sendgrid, SolSeeker demonstrates frictionless Ecommerce on the blockchain.



For this unique BTC-based marketplace, we integrated Nostr and Bitcoin to enable buying/selling ordinal NFTs. Users can discover rare early-minted ordinals and directly inscribe them to the Bitcoin blockchain. The retro-inspired NextJS site captures the old school internet vibe.



We built soltoons, an interactive Solana blockchain game with smooth animations powered by Rive. It features randomness using Switchboard VRF, allowing for exciting multiplier combinations. Players can use various SPL tokens or SOL to play. The custom smart contract logic provides a seamless user experience. Built with NextJS, Firebase, and Solana, soltoons showcases innovation in blockchain gaming UX.


Sol Jump

A blockchain arcade game where players compete for high scores stored directly on the Solana blockchain. Custom smart contracts using Anchor handle game logic and fees. Built on NextJS, animations were created with the Rive engine to provide smooth interactivity throughout gameplay.



Cyborg-Ape-Ebon's NFT dashboard highlights our React skills. We implemented data displays like price charts, volume, and more. Built with NextJS and Solana, it provides users with insights into new projects and communities.



We developed the website for Komradz, an exciting NFT project on Solana. Our work included implementing dynamic data displays on the landing page from the blockchain. Built with NextJS, we provided a fast, visually appealing platform to showcase the project and build engagement.



Campaign Kart For this marketing agency site, we developed an admin system to easily add case studies, blog posts, services, and update site content. Dynamic pages pull data from MongoDB to showcase their work. The site utilizes NextJS for speed and SEO along with Quill for rich text editing on the blog. Emails are sent using SendGrid to onboard new leads.


Swift Study

SwiftStudyWe built the SwiftStudy learning platform from scratch, enabling users to access bite-sized video courses on trending topics. Our dev team implemented authentication, payments with Stripe, referral bonuses to drive engagement, and an admin dashboard to manage content using NextJS, MongoDB, and SendGrid. The slick UI provides a great experience on both desktop and mobile.


Tag Flip

For TagFlip, we developed a fun Solana blockchain game using Switchboard VRF for randomness and allowing gameplay with any SPL token or SOL. The custom smart contract enables a fair game. Built with NextJS and Solana, TagFlip delivers a straightforward yet addictive game experience that highlights Solana's capabilities for building fast, inexpensive dapps.



We built the ordinals marketplace ordsats, allowing users to discover and purchase rare satoshi ordinals. Carousels and custom pages provide a polished user experience. Integrations with Bitcoin, Nostr and NextJS make owning a piece of Bitcoin history possible.


AIO Launchpad

We created a Bitcoin collection launchpad for AIO. Users can inscribe NFTs directly to Bitcoin using our integration with ord node. Collections and items are managed via an admin panel. Built with Bitcoin, NextJS, ord node, MongoDB, and Docker, it enables easy onboarding to Bitcoin NFTs.



For Mom-Raffle, we built a custom Solana raffle site allowing raffles across multiple tokens. The smart contract infrastructure enables custom fees and holder discounts. NextJS, Solana, and Anchor allow for a seamless user experience and modern interface.
