Solana Raffle Website

Solana Raffle

Leverage the speed and low costs of Solana to run provably-fair crypto raffles on your website. Users can purchase tickets via SPL tokens and track jackpot sizes in real-time. Our platform handles the provably random winner selection, security measures to prevent cheating, and instant payouts to winners - all on the Solana blockchain. The intuitive UI guides users smoothly through the raffle process from start to finish. To drive engagements, we incorporate gamification elements like streak rewards and tiered badges. For admins, customization options and analytics dashboards provide insights to optimize promotions. From the smart contract logic to the stylish responsive interface, our turnkey raffle platform combines blockchain’s strengths with elegant design. Let us develop a branded, configurable raffle solution tailored to your needs - enabling you to drive interest and retain fans on Solana.

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Past Projects
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For Mom-Raffle, we built a custom Solana raffle site allowing raffles across multiple tokens. The smart contract infrastructure enables custom fees and holder discounts. NextJS, Solana, and Anchor allow for a seamless user experience and modern interface....
